
Kindling an Interest in a Broader Audience

I'm trying an additional outlet for my writing, as of today. I've uploaded my first e-book exclusive to Amazon's Kindle store. Now, it probably won't stay just at Kindle. Other e-book markets are on the horizon. But I already had an Amazon account, and, well, baby steps, right?

I still prefer to read hard copy books because it's easier on my eyes (annoying screen contrast can cause headaches), but Amazon's Kindle for PC does have a couple great points in its favor: downloading it is free, and there is a lot of interesting content on Kindle that I'd not find in a traditional bookstore.

Honestly, I didn't even know about Kindle for PC until I bought this new laptop, and it just automatically asked me if I wanted to download it. Talk about customer service. I thought about it for a couple days, then went ahead with the download and poked around the program a little. I had zero ebooks to put in it, but I've remedied that already.

As far as whether I'll ever buy an actual Kindle reader, I can't say. I mean, I don't even own a cell phone. Carrying around electronic devices is still foreign territory. Unless it's a GPSr, helping me home in on a geocache in the woods or a massive strip mall parking lot.

But for those of you who are like me, and not really into expensive, easily losable/breakable electronics (some lives are more chaotic than others!), you can still get all these amazing books and stories on your home computer. I'm all ecstatic that Amazon's doing this; it's a great way to encourage good will and reach a larger audience for their products.

Like mine. Or yours.

So: first story up is a novelette, just shy of 15K words, titled The Map Dance. A historical fantasy full of magic realism and poetry, it's a puzzle just waiting to be solved.

It's selling for $0.99 because it's quite a bit longer than my short stories, which I'd either put up for free or bundle for this same price. I've another novelette to add here in a bit, and then we'll see what else I want to put up.

This is fun!

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