Will it do that cool mystery glow thing so everyone knows it's awesome?
I love anticipation. It's something that slipped right past me for most of my life--when I wasn't actively hating it. Now, in order to keep a more balanced perspective, I'll often tell myself "This is the part where I don't know what's in the box." It anchors me to the Anticipation Phase, and once I know what's in that box, I can look back and see how I got from A to B, emotionally, physically, etc. I find it actually helps me with my characterization, so I try to do this whenever I try something new.
So right here, right now, this is the part where I don't know what the cover of Traitor Savant looks like.
Just finished Rebel Elements, I thought it was fantastic. I'm an avid reader and Rebel Elements is right up there with some of the best books I've read in a while. Looking forward to Traitor Savant!