
This is the Part Where I Don't Know What the Cover of Traitor Savant Looks Like

Tomorrow is my scheduled date to begin working with Streetlight Graphics on cover art for the second novel in my latest fantasy series: Traitor Savant. I am so excited! I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve! I have all these ideas in my head of how it will look. Will I be right? Will I be even close?

Will it do that cool mystery glow thing so everyone knows it's awesome?

I love anticipation. It's something that slipped right past me for most of my life--when I wasn't actively hating it. Now, in order to keep a more balanced perspective, I'll often tell myself "This is the part where I don't know what's in the box." It anchors me to the Anticipation Phase, and once I know what's in that box, I can look back and see how I got from A to B, emotionally, physically, etc. I find it actually helps me with my characterization, so I try to do this whenever I try something new.

So right here, right now, this is the part where I don't know what the cover of Traitor Savant looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Just finished Rebel Elements, I thought it was fantastic. I'm an avid reader and Rebel Elements is right up there with some of the best books I've read in a while. Looking forward to Traitor Savant!
